Slovenia - solved according to ZDavPR compliant

Solve the challenges of Slovenian fiscalization together with efsta. We show you how to optimally comply with all regulations and rules with the efsta fiscalization middleware.

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Regulations and requirements, solve easily with efsta

With the new legislative changes in Slovenia, which are mainly aimed at preventing fraud, we offer a comprehensive solution for all fiscalization requirements there thanks to efsta EFR Middleware. Our solution ensures the smooth implementation of the relevant regulations and helps to fully meet the legal requirements in Slovenia.

Efficient invoice issuance and management

In Slovenia, various laws and regulations have been introduced in recent years to make the fiscalization and invoice issuance process more transparent and efficient. The Fiscal Invoice Certification Act (ZDavPR) represents a significant change in this regard and was created specifically to prevent fraud. The Tax Invoice Certification Act (ZDavPR) has been in force since 01.01.2016.

  • use an electronic recording system to issue invoices (payment vouchers),
  • which is able to provide invoice data with a digital signature, as well as
  • create an electronic signature for the exchange of data with the tax authorities.
  • Keep copies of each invoice issued.
  • Provide the tax authority with details of their business premises (permanent establishments).

~ the indicator for business premises is freely selectable

~ and must be recorded in an internal file and be able to be presented at any time.

  • Use electronic certificates issued by the Ministry of Finance to authenticate communications with the systems of the tax administration; and
  • Sign invoice data electronically with this.
  • Have invoice data confirmed by the financial bodies and then issue invoices with a unique ID code.

Our efsta solution meets all requirements in Slovenia.

Our efsta system meets the compliance requirements of the Tax Invoice Certification Act as prescribed by the Tax Authority (ZDavPR - Zakon o davčnem potrjevanju računov).

Data management

  • Administration of internal acts - Information on business premises (operating sites)
  • Communication certificate management
  • Transmission of the transaction data to the tax authorities
  • Storage of transaction data (local and from EFSTA cloud)
  • Offline procedure (e.g. exceeding the response time: creation of the signature code and subsequent transmission within 48h)


  • Efsta system - compliance for the law on tax invoice certification by the tax office (ZDavPR).


  • Authentication of the data
  • Response handling (OK, error code...)
  • Response forwarding to POS system (incl. JIR)
  • Preparation MD5 code (basis for QR code) , Open platform Node.js (Microsoft, Linux, Android) TM


  • Advanced security measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. Efsta uses state-of-the-art encryption and authentication methods to protect data from unauthorized access.


  • With efsta, your system scales flexibly with the growing needs of your business.



  • Comprehensive support and advice for our partners. Efsta ensures that customers receive help quickly and efficiently when they have questions or problems.

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Slovenia - Administration

  • Administration of internal acts - Information on business premises (operating sites)
  • Communication certificate management
  • Transmission of the transaction data to the tax authorities
  • Storage of transaction data (local and from EFSTA cloud)
  • Offline procedure (e.g. exceeding the response time: creation of the signature code and subsequent transmission within 48h)
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Slovenia - Compliance

  • Efsta system - compliance for the law on tax invoice certification by the tax office (ZDavPR).

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Slovenia - Integration

  • Authentication of the data
  • Response handling (OK, error code...)
  • Response forwarding to POS system (incl. JIR)
  • Preparation MD5 code (basis for QR code) , Open platform Node.js (Microsoft, Linux, Android) TM

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Slovenia - Security

  • Advanced security measures to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. Efsta uses state-of-the-art encryption and authentication methods to protect data from unauthorized access.

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Slovenia - Scalability

  • With efsta, your system scales flexibly with the growing needs of your business.

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Slovenia - Support


  • Comprehensive support and advice for our partners. Efsta ensures that customers receive help quickly and efficiently when they have questions or problems.

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What's a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Market-leading companies rely on fiscalization with efsta

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Why you should choose us ...

The efsta solution is perfect for small, medium and large companies. You don't have to sacrifice functionality, even if you have multiple locations or a branch system. Efsta can also be up and running quickly with minor customizations, which is important for companies in a dynamic environment like fiscalization.


Data exports, updates, email alerts in case of system failures. Offline & online mode - uninterrupted operation.


With the help of a certificate (with public key and private key), each document is signed once.


EFR Middleware provides a strong software solution for your systems. It seamlessly integrates EFR software with POS systems and meets legal requirements.


Offline & online mode - uninterrupted operation (even in case of signature unit, TSE failures).

Audit-proof data storage

The data from the ERA is encrypted and transferred to the efsta cloud for long-term archiving for legal retention.

Your needs are at the center of our service!

Contact us now and let's tackle it together.
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Pachergasse 17 / Top 11
4400 Steyr, Austria

Business hours:
: 8 am - 5 pm
Fri: 8 am - 12 noon

We are closed on Austrian public holidays.