
efsta IT Services GmbH

Pachergasse 17 / Top 11
4400 Steyr

tel. +43 (0) 7252 93078 - 0

Managing Director:
White Matthew

FN 230673a - Steyr Regional Court
UID: ATU56505222

Legal form: GmbH
Supervisory authority: Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich, Fachgruppe Unternehmensberatung und Informationstechnologie - IT Dienstleistung (UBIT)
Object of the company: Design, development and operation, as well as all related consulting and other services, of a platform-independent, internationally usable fiscalisation software solution for cash register systems and electronic recording systems (e.g. ERPs).

Copyright & Liability

efsta IT Services GmbH. All rights reserved. Texts, images, graphics as well as animations on this website are subject to copyright protection. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, modified or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. We would like to point out that some of the images contained on the website are subject to the copyright of third parties.

This website was created with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the information it contains is free of errors. We exclude any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as these are not based on intent or gross negligence.

Concept and implementation: Valentin Diehl

Photo credits:

All team photos:

Photo Company:
®Jörg Veigl - Team Photo

Canva - whitecanvaswithgraphic
Canva - personpicture

page our principles:
®Jörg Veigl - team photo
Canva - handshake
Canva - team photo
Canva - laptopwithplant

page digital receipt:
Canva - tree of life
Canva - digital receipt 3s
Canva - evolution
Canva - robot,blue
Canva - smartphone digtal receipt pont of sale

page efsta in europe
Canva - graphic flow
Canva - graphic ellipse

page cash register manufacturer:
Canva - screen

page cash register manufacturer:
Canva - peoplepicture
Canva - future honeycombpicture

page cash register operator:
Canva - peoplepicture

Page Careers:
Canva - Job AdsPictures
Canva - Handshake
Canva - Laptop
Canva - Person
®Jörg Veigl - Team Photo
®Riedl Sabrina - Graphics

Pachergasse 17 / Top 11
4400 Steyr, Austria

© 2023 All rights reserved